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ACMS Library Home: ACMS Library Fellows

ACMS Library Fellowship

This fellowship supports advanced US graduate students, faculty members, or professionals in library and information sciences from colleges and universities to conduct short-term library development projects and/or research in Mongolia for a period of up to 12 weeks between May and October. The fellowship is supported with funding from the US State Department Education and Cultural Affairs Bureau through a grant by the Council of American Overseas Research Centers. The ACMS Library Fellowship program is intended to help support the development of the ACMS research library and build stronger connections among local library partners through specific defined projects designed to enhance collection content, resource accessibility, and training. Fellows are hosted by the ACMS and should propose projects that have measurable positive outcomes for the scholarly community served by the ACMS. Project proposals with similar outcomes and impacts on local partner libraries are also especially encouraged.

For more information, including how to apply, please visit the ACMS home page.

Past Fellows:


Elizabeth Gartley

Librarian & Instructional Technology Specialist


ACMS Library Website & Research Guides

  • Designed and launched ACMS library homepage in English and Mongolian.
  • Organized research guides into English and Mongolian language groups.
  • Populated A-Z Database List with Open Access resources of interest to ACMS patrons.
  • Curated research guides on topics including archive discovery, academic writing, archaeology, Mongolian language, and more.



Susan Powell

GIS & Map Librarian, University of California at Berkeley


Enhance the Map, Geographic, and Environmental Resources of the Collection

  • Acquired books, maps, and atlases, particularly those of historical value, which would support the work of local and international researchers using the ACMS Research Library, including the Gazetteer of Mongolian Place Names, an Atlas of Mongolian world maps from the 1920s, and several geographic and floral atlases.
  • Compiled recommendations including atlases, maps, and digital collections of data that will be of great help to our members and the community.
  • Created an annotated guide to available geographic and environmental resources on Mongolia that will be available in the ACMS library and on the ACMS website.


Benjamin Meader

GIS Specialist and Cartographer


Center for Geography: GIS Database, Lab, and Instruction

  • Created a GIS lab, GIS database, and provided materials for researchers in Mongolia who wished to incorporate analysis or map design into their work.
  • Worked with a variety of organizations: the Asia Foundation, Poverty Action in Mongolia, the Mongolian Heritage Foundation, the School of Public Health at the University of Health Sciences, as well as a variety of individuals to assist in targeted GIS needs.
  • Taught a introductory class on how to use open source GIS software, open to the public. This course included a website, video tutorials, hands-on labs, and a variety of interactive educational material.

Enerel Dambiinyam

Head, Collections Description Services, Columbia University Libraries


Basic Cataloging Knowledge Seminar (Каталогийн Суурь Мэдлэгийн Семинар)

  • Introduced Connexion cataloging system as the National Library of Mongolia joined OCLC
  • Offered training for library staff on RDA cataloging standards by contributing up to 1,000 titles on WorldCat


Emilia Askari

Lecturer, Program in the Environment, University of Michigan


Preserving Mongolia’s Digital and Broadcast News

  • Gave presentations about digital news preservation to journalists and librarians in Ulaanbaatar and the provincial city of Murun.
  • Surveyed Mongolian journalists to learn about news preservation practices and journalism practices in Mongolia.

Bill Maltarich

Head, Collection Development, New York University Libraries


Optimizing Electronic Resource Access and Awareness at the ACMS Library


Jeremy Gardner

Reference Librarian, Euclid Public Library


Immortalizing Mongolia’s Ancient Past in a Digital Age (Монголын эртний түүхийг дижитал эрин зуунд мөнхжүүлэх)

  • Attended UNESCO conference held at the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST)
  • Catalogued library materials in Mongolian, German, Russian, and Chinese
  • Digitize rare sutras via high-resolution photography