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Archive Discovery


Who created this website?

Is the creator knowledgeable or qualified enough to provide this information?



Is the author well-known in his field, and what is his reputation? What are her credentials (education, experience, etc.) and affiliations (universities, professional organizations, etc.)?


Is this organization governmental, a university or museum, or a corporation? Are they primarily geared towards earning a profit or serving the public? Do they have a vested interest in convincing other people to adopt a certain opinion?

For example, compare the following (fictional) digital archives:

Title: Chinggis Khan Digital Archives

Creator: National Library of Mongolia

Title: Virtual History of Ghengis Khan

Creator: John Doe, accountant and history enthusiast

When comparing these collections solely on the basis of creator, you should recognize that the National Library of Mongolia is a more authoritative source than John Doe. This does not mean the other collection must be "bad" or unreliable. But, when you see that a site was created by an individual or group whose credibility is not instantly apparent, you should recognize the need to do a little further digging.



What purpose was it created for?

Is the content provided without bias or ulterior motive?


Websites in general are created for many different purposes: to inform, to entertain, to sell, to persuade, and so forth.

A digital archive should have two primary purposes: to preserve historical materials, and to make them accessible. A credible digital archive should not be seeking to sell you something or to argue a particular opinion or belief.


Persuasion and Bias

For example, consider the following (fictional) digital archives:

Title: The Virtual Holocaust Museum

Creator: The Holocaust Museum of Houston

Content: Images and artifacts from the Holocaust in World War II Europe

Title: Did the Holocaust Happen?

Creator: Holocaust Research Inc.

Content: Images and documents arranged as evidence throughout an essay which argues that the Holocaust did not really occur as a premeditated act.

If you were evaluating these two sites as possible sources for a research paper, what you need to learn to recognize is the presence of bias, that is, an attempt to convince you of a certain opinion.

Persuasive arguments may have their place, but not in credible digital archives, which should be seeking to provide historical artifacts without commentary: letting the past "speak for itself," if you will.


Basic understanding and familiarity with top-level domains (TLDs) can be very helpful when evaluating an online resources:

.com commercial Open domain, anyone can register. Generally associated with for-profit businesses, the .com domain is often used as a default domain for many different kinds of entities, organizations, or individuals.
.org organization Open domain, anyone can register. Often used by non-profit organizations and non-governmental organizations.
.net network Open domain, anyone can register.
.edu education Limited to higher educational institutions such as, but not limited to, trade schools and universities.
.gov government Limited to United States governmental entities and agencies as well as qualifying state, county and local municipal government agencies, and tribal governments.
.ac (second level domain) academia Used in many countries as a second-level domain for academic institutions such as universities, colleges, and research institutes. Generally paired with the top-level country domain, such as in the United Kingdom or in Japan.


Occasionally, a legitimate site might require the use of advertising to fund the existence of the site, especially if a collection is not affiliated with a major university or government agency. For the most part, however, you should be cautious about digital collections that contain advertising. You should especially be careful if the collection seems to have been provided in order to convince you to purchase a (separate) product or service.


Note: This does not necessarily apply to digital archives who require a subscription fee in order to access the collection.


Finally, don't overlook the question

How relevant is this archive to my project?

It may be a high-quality collection from a highly reputable source, but if it doesn't have the content you need, then it is not the right archive (this time).

Be sure you take time to perform a variety of searches in the collection, browse through the items, and even dive in and read excerpts from longer items like letters and diaries. This will help you to establish whether there is a significant body of content which can inform your work.

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